【私心大推】Pop Chic Vintage Sunglasses, 飾品配件, 飾品配件



後來發現zalora taiwan購物網這個網站,裡面賣的都是一些外國的品牌,價格也不貴,重點是!!!應該....不會再到處撞衫了吧XDD 有種發現新大陸的感覺~~

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剪裁合適的服飾是打造潮男風格,提升好感度的重點。鞋子搭得好,整個人就會變得很時尚,而一雙適合各種造型風格的經典鞋款是不敗的元素之一。不能錯過的單品還有品牌男性内衣和泳裝系列,如River Island便是兼具時尚與舒適度的貼身衣物。

Avant garde yet laced with classy, timeless appeal is exactly how we would describe this gorgeous Versace creation. Oozing a sophisticated and vogue-like allure, you'll be exuding a look of sheer opulence whether you put it over your eyes on a sunny day or rest this marvellous piece on your head as an accessory. No matter what the occasion, this pair of sunnies will definitely lend you that effortlessly mod meets classic vibe.

- Rubber frame

- Tinted lenses

- Thin arms with curved temple tips

- Moulded nose pads

- Comes with hard casing

Avant garde yet laced with classy, timeless appeal is exactly how we would describe this gorgeous Versace creation. Oozing a sophisticated and vogue-like allure, you'll be exuding a look of sheer opulence whether you put it over your eyes on a sunny day or rest this marvellous piece on your head as an accessory. No matter what the occasion, this pair of sunnies will definitely lend you that effortlessly mod meets classic vibe.

- Rubber frame

- Tinted lenses

- Thin arms with curved temple tips

- Moulded nose pads

- Comes with hard casing


★物品連結---zober鞋>Pop Chic Vintage Sunglasses, 飾品配件, 飾品配件

Pop Cesprit台灣outlethic Vintage Sunglasses, 飾品配件, 飾品配件

補充一下,這個是zalora taiwan購物網的商品,他們的東西質感真的不錯!!價格也合理,重點是!!不容易跟人撞衫/撞包!!!不用再擔心穿國民服飾出門變成團體服了....真的超開心的~~




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